Name the Classmate!

Who’s that girl? Here’s an oh-so fetching photo of one of our alumna taken at a basketball game – she hasn’t changed that much, still as beautiful and as sweet as ever! If you know who this is, click on the “leave a comment” link above and then write-in her name in the “Reply” box!

Ward BBFan

Know who the three guys are in the “W” sweaters? If so, add them  to the “Reply” box as well, naming them left-to-right.

Boys Pep Club 3
Let me call you sweetheart! Think you know who our Sweetheart Queen was? Add her to your other picks from above in the “Reply” box.

Betty - Sweetheart Queen

Posted in Classmates
3 comments on “Name the Classmate!
  1. Michelle Scherzer Jennings says:

    Carma King Nowak in Photo #1


  2. Michelle Scherzer Jennings says:

    Photo #2: Jack Halula, John Savage, Jim Orth – also, Greg Gardner, Henry Borzymowski & Dennis Browne (maybe?) in the picture.


  3. Michelle Scherzer Jennings says:

    Photo #3: Betty Clark Petelin


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